Calculando su ahorro

¿Cuánto podría ahorrar su empresa invirtiendo en P3 Business Care?

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Calculadora de costos

Para ver cuánto podría ahorrar su empresa, simplemente ingrese la cantidad de personas que emplea y los costos potenciales se calcularán automáticamente.

¿Cuántos empleados tienes?

Average number of days of absenteeism per employee per year 6.30
Cost per day £82.86
Annual Costs £0.00
Annual Costs * £0.00
Staff Turnover
Annual estimated staff turnover (%) 16.5%
Turnover costs per position £30,614.00
Annual Costs £0.00
Potential cost savings: £0.00

* Evidence shows a ratio of 1:2.5 for the cost of absenteeism to presenteeism. Therefore, for every £1 cost to business of absenteeism, there is estimated to be an additional cost of £2.50 due to presenteeism.

Not attending work
Attending work while unwell
Staff Turnover
The proportion of employees who leave an organisation over a set period (often on a year-on-year basis)
Average number of days of absenteeism
Average number of days of absenteeism per employee per year is 6.3  (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Annual Survey Report 2016: Absence Management)
Cost Per Day
Cost per day: £82.86 (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Annual Survey Report 2016: Absence Management.)
Cost of presenteeism
Cost of presenteeism relative to the cost of absenteeism: 1:2.5 (On the basis of research assumed a ratio of 1:2.5 for the cost of absenteeism to presenteeism.) Therefore for every £1 cost to business of absenteeism there is estimated to be an additional cost of £2.50 due to presenteeism.
Annual Estimated Staff turnover
Annual estimated staff turnover: 16.5% Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Annual Survey Report 2017: Recruitment, Retention and Turnover Survey.
Average turnover costs per position
Average turnover costs per position: £30,614.00 Oxford Economics (2014). Understanding the financial impact of staff turnover.

Why P3 Business Care?

Our P3 Business Partners are trained, experienced and dedicated. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, providing proactive care to all their employees and their immediate families.


P3 Business Care is a registered social enterprise. Any organization that operates with a corporate social responsibility policy can benefit by engaging the services of P3 Business Care. The proactive nature of P3 Business Care will help reduce pressures on your workforce, identifying and addressing issues before they reach a crisis point.


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